Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Feb. 25, 2015 LISTEN

“That's why I speak to them in parables, because they look but don't see, and they listen but don't hear or understand.”  Matthew 13:13

“Listen” is an interesting word.  On the surface, it describes a voluntary action involving the ability to process sound.  Figuratively, it can also describe an action involving ones’ thoughts and/or feelings (I.e. listen to your conscious; listen to your heart).  However, the word “listen” alone does not give an indication of comprehension or understanding by the listener. 

Do we really comprehend and understand the words we are listening to?  

How often do we ask someone to repeat something because we listened, but did not understand what they said?  

It’s easy to let our minds wander when listening to someone speak about something that does not interest us or that we have heard before.  How often have we heard the phrase “Listen to me…”, or were asked “Are you listening…?”

Throughout the Bible, listening, understanding, and acting upon the Word of the Lord is a constant struggle.  In the Old Testament, the Israelites constantly turned their backs to God by listening to, but not following, His Word.  Yet they called to Him and received help whenever they needed it because God listened to and acted upon the Israelites prayers. 

In the New Testament, during His relatively short ministry, Jesus states many times that the people of Israel listen or hear without hearing.   How frustrating it must have been for Jesus to have this incredible message for everyone, which was simply dismissed by many that listened to Him.  Wouldn’t it have been very easy for Jesus to just give up on those who were not listening to Him?  

But, Jesus never gave up.  And, as He lived through the periods we now call Lent and Holy Week, Jesus listened as the crowds turned against Him and demanded His death.  Yet, even while near death on the cross, Jesus asked God’s forgiveness for those that did not listen to Him.

As He has done since the beginning, God listens to us through prayer.  He will provide help, comfort and guidance as long as we are open to listening and hearing His answers.   As we go through Lent and Easter, I pray that the Holy Spirit opens all of our hearts and minds so that we are able to listen and understand the message of God’s Word.  

Shared by Arnold Schuff

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