Saturday, April 4, 2015

April 4, 2015 SILENCE

            Have you ever been praying and an idea comes to you? Right after that someone approaches you about that very same subject? Or, have you ever thought of a certain person and the phone rings? Guess who it is! Have you ever walked into a building and saw someone you know and they say, “I was just thinking of you.”  I believe there are no coincidences in life. God wants to speak to us all the time about all kinds of things. But the question is…Are We Listening? We need silence to hear what God wants to say to us.

            There is something you might not know about me. In my prayer life, I love to speak to the Lord and I love when he speaks back to me. I practice a certain type of prayer called Lectio Divina (Divine Reading and Listening). It has been said that, “When you pray, you are speaking to God. But when you read the Bible, God is speaking to you.” In Lectio, a passage is chosen and read three times. The first time, you listen for a word or phrase that stands out to you. During the second reading, you listen for how that word or phrase applies to your life. What is the Holy Spirit saying to you? The third time, you take your message and make it into a prayer in your heart. This is all done in silence because we meet God in the silence of our hearts every day. That is where he speaks to me most.
BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD…                                      Psalm 46:10
What will God say to you today?

Shared by Jean Schuff

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