Have you ever been around a “Know-It-All”? No matter what the subject, they have all the answers, and if they don’t, they make it up!
Though, who doesn’t like to be that “go-to person” on a particular subject? It feels good to have the answers. I used to strive to be this person at work. But I found I learned a lot more when I showed up and asked questions. When I gave myself permission to ask, I actually learned something. And the people around me, who were afraid to ask, learned something too.
But, sometimes we’re all wrapped up in knowing it all. There’s no room left for a new way of seeing things or a different story. We’re in a closed cocoon of knowing it all. This is not a good place to be if you want to grow and learn.
Jesus wasn’t a know-it-all. He’d answer a question with a story or ask another question or explain things in such a way that his enemies didn’t understand him or have enough evidence to arrest him.
I think Jesus did this on purpose. I think he wants us to not-know everything. That opens us up to be curious and wonder and discover. I think Jesus knew that the not-knowing is where we meet God. When we’re looking for answers instead of knowing it all, we give God some space to show up and give us answers. A little prayer asking God a question will reveal a lot. Try it and see for yourself. And the more we ask of God, the more we rely on God. And then our relationship grows -- the more you engage with God, the closer you get to God. I wish know-it-alls knew this!
Shared by Lynn Byrnes
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