Sunday, June 18, 2017

Summer devotions, week of June 18

June 18: Intro to the Psalms                        

Share your highs and lows with each other, or write them here:

Read one or more of the following texts:
Psalm 1
John 1:1-13

The Psalms are the hymnbook of the Bible.  They invite us in with the vast array of images and metaphors.  They encourage us to see beyond the ink on paper and eat the fruit of their trees.  They are poetry that speak to the heart of our faith.

The Psalms also comprise a myriad of emotions as the move between lament and praise, despair and hope, judgment and grace.  They offer us conversations directly with God, both of thankfulness and cries for help.

“We confess to you to be text-maker, text-giver, text-worker, and we find ourselves addressed by your making, giving, working.  So now we bid you, re-text us by your spirit.”  (from Awed to Heaven, Rooted to Earth by) Walter Brueggemann)

Questions for conversation or personal reflection:
1)      What images from this psalm are most powerful for you?
2)      How might you illustrate this psalm?
a.      Take the opportunity to draw these images for yourself.
3)      Scripture can also be used for meditation. 
a.      Read the passage out loud. 
b.      Was there a word or phrase that caught your attention?
c.       What might God be saying to you through that word?
4)      How does the reading today connect with your highs and lows?

Pray about your highs and lows, and any other needs you might have for today.  If you wish, write your prayers here:
My prayers

Offer a blessing. Use “May God watch over you today,” or make up your own as a reminder of God’s love in your life.  Make the sign of the cross on each other’s forehead as you do this.  If desired, use water to make the cross.

Bonus Activity:
Take a photograph of something beautiful in creation today.  If you use your phone, share it with a friend via text or on social media with the caption: “Look what God made!  And I got to see it today!”

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