Sunday, July 9, 2017

2017 Summer devotions, week of July 9

July 9: Psalms of Trust                      

Share your highs and lows with each other, or write them here:

Read the following texts:
Psalm 23
John 10:1-4

Psalm 23 is probably the best known and most beloved of psalms in the entire bible.  Even when memories fade, many of our elders can recite these comforting words.

While shepherds are not a common sight in our communities today, a shepherd is one who protects, guides, and offers sustenance for life’s journey.  This shepherd in this psalm offers peace, comfort, strength and care.

This psalm exhibits trust in that shepherd amidst the dark valleys and enemies.  It takes psalms of praise and of help together to rely upon the One whom we can trust.

Questions for conversation or personal reflection:
1)      Who do you trust?
a.      What is it about them that elicits your trust?
2)      Is there a particular verse in this psalm that means more to you than the others?
a.      Has that changed over time?
b.      Try to memorize this Psalm.  Each day, focus on one verse to learn throughout the week.
3)      How does the reading today connect with your highs and lows?

Pray about your highs and lows, and any other needs you might have for today.  If you wish, write your prayers here:
My prayers

Offer a blessing. Use “May Jesus shepherd you through your day,” or make up your own as a reminder of God’s love in your life.  Make the sign of the cross on each other’s forehead as you do this.  If desired, use water to make the cross.

Bonus Activity:
Look up information about shepherds and what some of the responsibilities are/were.   How are those characteristics of a shepherd similar to Jesus? 

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