Tuesday, April 28, 2020

We are Trinity (Holly Larocchia)

Holly Larocchia Carmel NY.  Married with 3 children. Husband is a retired NYC firefighter, currently working part time as a driver in the substance abuse facility.  I am an RN currently working in substance abuse facility.

One grown daughter, a NYC school teacher.  One son, currently working in corrections, hopeful to become a police officer.  Youngest in college, plans to become a teacher. 

I like people, was very involved with kids activities such as scouts and sports.  Now, working full time activities are more restricted but, I love concerts, comedy, board games and family get togethers.
I began to worship in Trinity shortly after moving here from Queens  so likely 1998.  I had been a lifelong member of Trinity Lutheran Church Middle Village NY and, the familiarity of the service initially drew me in.  (I had attended another church service prior but, was actually a little turned off by the overwhelming welcome, I like to ease into things.)  Trinity Brewster was a similar service and, felt more like the church I always knew and loved.

I have had several good experiences at Trinity.  Foremost in mind is the friend set I developed in my little area that i usually sit in the church.  Sadly, many of those people have passed away or moved on but, it was a warm, loving group that genuinely liked each other.   I also have very fond memories of Vacation Bible School. (and running it for a few years with my friend made through Trinity JoAnn Nestor)  While it was stressful, it brought a lot of joy.  My kids were involved with it both as participants and as leaders.  It was awesome to see them grow in this capacity and, I learned that some other faiths do not get into detail regarding bible stories.  We gave them something new, it was fun and, some of what they learned will be with them forever. It saddens me that kids can no longer have this experience.  The ways of the world, the lack of numbers of children involved in church, etc.  But it was great memories and, I am glad to have had those experiences.   

I also really enjoyed a ?bible study I did learning about being a Lutheran with a very modern and funny version of the catechism.  It really opened my eyes and, increased my faith.  I have always lived in a predominantly Roman Catholic society.  I have always felt the need to 'justify' and explain the differences of being Lutheran.  This class and book supported and gave me background for a lot of my beliefs.  

While there are several hymns that come to mind, my favorites are not as famiilar in this church.  'I was there to hear your borning cry' is one of my favorites. It was sung at baptisms at my old church and, it always brings tears to my eyes.  It explains how God is with you for your whole life and beyond.  As a mother, nothing is more comforting because while you would like to think you can be the one to always be there, that isn't always possible. 

I also love 'away in a manger' and onward christian soldiers. As a child, Every year we sang away in a manger at our Christmas pagent (with hand motions) and, every year on anniversary day (also known as Brooklyn Queens day) our sunday school would parade through the town, with sunday school crafts and teachers, all the while singing onward Christian soldiers.  It ended with ice cream at our parish house.  I was thrilled that my eldest got to do this as well as a child. My childhood memories are likely a strong reason for my faith.  As teens we had a great group of friends that played volleyball (just for fun) at our parish house and, I had a blast at confirmation.  Many people look at me as if I am crazy but, I checked with my friends, they felt the same way.  I think this established base of a church remains with me as an adult. 

I believe God pushes me toward things at time.  There is no explanation as to why I up and moved from my home town to Carmel.  Christ was also with me when my son was sick and in the hospital.  Pastors visits and prayers were very much appreciated and, to this day, I believe the only way I made it through that time was because Christ was carrying me.  

One word for Trinity would have to be church.  A group of people, sharing the same beliefs, caring for one another, where all goals aim to be for a good and loving purpose. 

Friday, April 24, 2020

We are Trinity (Jo-Ann Nestor)

My name is Jo-Ann Nestor.  I live on Whangtown Road in Carmel with my husband Charlie and our two college aged daughter’s Megan and Danielle.  They spend most of their time at school.  I am a teaching assistant in the Carmel Central School District. I mostly like to read and I walk everyday.

I started attending Trinity when I was baptized, when it was located in the village of Brewster. Growing up at Trinity I was an acolyte and a Sunday School Teacher!  My two sister’s and I were married at Trinity as well.  Once my twin daughter’s were born, I made a decision to become a more active member.  I was the cherub choir director while my girls were growing up.  I also co-led Vacation Bible School for numerous years as well. I can’t imagine my life without Trinity in it!

My favorite experiences at Trinity have to be when my children reached mile stones.  Baptism, Communion, receiving their bibles, Scouting awards with Trinity, and Confirmation.  It moves me to tears being able to be a part of it all.

I do love numerous hymns. However my favorite has to be “Here I am Lord.” I can’t sing it without tears, it is truly moving.I feel the Lord’s presence when I am singing, or when the choir is singing.

The word or words that come to mind when I think about Trinity is “my rock!” I Thank God everyday that I have Trinity as my constant in my life, especially with everything changing daily!

We are Trinity (Peter Donoghue)

We Are Trinity (Peter Donoghue)     4/24/2020

     Danielle and I live at Abbey Woods in Danbury, Connecticut and were to be married at Trinity in April 2020.  Due to the pandemic we have had to postpone our wedding date but are looking forward to celebrating our nuptials when the “all clear” sounds.  My faith has given me the tools to navigate the ups and downs of life and not to become too discouraged when things don’t go my way.  Psalm 46 gives me reassurance that God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble...here and now and for our future.
     I was raised in NYC, in a large loving Catholic family of twelve children where our parents, Robert & Ann, instilled in us the tradition of attending Mass every Sunday.  They laid a firm foundation of faith for us kids which has stood the test of time through all of our trials and tribulations.  I have my daughters,  Amanda & Erin living close by and Danielle’s daughter Vikki and son Gregory are also close, plus we have been blessed with five wonderful grandkids, with one on the way!  
     I had been “looking” and “praying” for a new church home in the Spring of 2016 when I signed up for a beginning Spanish class in an attempt to learn something new.  At the class I met Charlie Germain & Lynn Byrnes, and they invited me to a Friday night pot luck supper at their church, Trinity Lutheran in Brewster, NY.  I don’t know how successful we all were at learning Spanish, though I know Norma, our teacher, did her best; I was very pleased to find a warm and welcoming church family here at Trinity led by Pastor Jen and have been a faithful attendee at worship and many of the activities offered here these past four years. My favorite experience at Trinity is when Franklyn is playing the organ with all our voices joined in song, singing those beautiful “songs of praises.”  I suppose that is why my favorite hymn is #618 Guide Me Ever, Great Redeemer; although I still have the much older “traditional” title firmly etched into my brain...Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah.  
     When asked to describe what Trinity means to me, in one short word or phrase, the one that I feel deep down inside is the title of an old favorite hymn by Fanny Crosby…”Blessed Assurance.”
     I feel reassured knowing that all you folks at Trinity are there for me in prayer and practical support and feel the wonderful presence of God as we worship together and try daily to do the work God has given us to do.  
      I enjoy playing my trumpet, nature walks with Danielle, live concerts and plays, movies, books, mysteries, scientific conundrums, numbers, puzzles, kayaking, bike riding on the rail trails, and lots of good food like chocolate egg creams and chocolate eclairs.           

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

We are Trinity (Laurie Bell)

1. Laurie (and Peter) Bell, f/k/a Laurie Yessian, 3rd generation TLC member (mother Dorothy Yessian and grandmother Helene Petersen were some of the founders of TLC).  We used to actively camp with the Trinity Campers, and enjoyed many Couples Club activities.  I was in the choir since the age of 8 (children's, then junior then senior choir).  I was active in what was then a large Youth Group.  I was also on the committee to come up with our mission statement.  My mother sang in the senior choir for decades and was also a long time Sunday School teacher, in addition to camping and Couples Club (during one of the Oktoberfests my mom and dad and several other couples from Couples Club took German dance lessons and performed at the Oktoberfest).  Mom was also on the Council and I think Worship & Music Committee as well.

2. Started worship at TLC from before birth (see above).  Kept coming because of the sense of community, family, faith, music.

3. Favorite experience at TLC was my parent's 25th wedding anniversary and their vow renewal ceremony (yes, even surpassed my own wedding at TLC)

4. Favorite hymn.....too many to count.  All those you can sing without the hymnal that you know by heart.  Love to sing alto whenever the congregation knows the melody

5. I experience the presence of Christ in the congregation every time we help out with the BESP, say good morning to one another in Church, and (until this year) especially at Easter service and Christmas Eve service.  Most importantly, every time I take communion, especially at the altar rail

6. One word for Trinity: (OK really a phrase) Family In Faith

We are Trinity: Franklyn & Mary Beth Commisso

We Are Trinity
  1) Name(s), where you live, hobbies/activities, other info about your family
                    2) When did you start attending worship at Trinity?  And why did you keep coming?
                    3) Favorite experience at Trinity (be as specific as you can)
                    4) Favorite hymn and/or Bible verse/story and why its your favorite
                    5) How have you experienced the presence of Christ in the congregation?
                    6) What one word comes to mind when you think of Trinity?

1) We live on Pudding Street in Kent Cliffs off R 301; our hobbies are music, animals, reading scriptures from all traditions, both East and West. Franklyn has one sister in Rindge, NH and Mary Beth has 2 sisters in Cortlandt and Tyler Hills, PA

2) We began at Trinity after graduating from Diakonia and going to Oberammergau with Trinity in 2001. Trinity is the warmest, most welcoming, and Godly minded church we have ever attended.

3)  Our favorite experience is working with the choirs and outside musicians as well as greeting and conversing our Trinity family.

4) Franklyn's favorite hymn is "Be Thou My Vision" and Mary Beth's is "Do Not Be Afraid." My favorite Bible verse is Rom. 8:28 "All things work together for good" and Mary Beth's is Mark 9:23-25 "Lord, I believe'" We love these because they speak of the everpresence or God's love.

5) We received the presence of Christ through the love and support from WELCA and the choirs as well as the visits from Pastor and Michael while hospitalized.

6) One word can only be Love.

We are Trinity (intro)

Have you ever wanted to have the opportunity to get to know one another better? 
We are inviting everyone (!) to either write and/or video a short message (5-10 min.) for a series I am calling "We are Trinity".  Using the following questions as a guide, submit your answers to me (Pastor Jen) to be shared with the rest of the congregation via email, our website and our social media outlets.  You can do it individually or as a family.  Not only will this help us get to know one another better, but it will be a part of our archives and a testimony to what it means to be part of this community of faith.  Use any or all of the following questions as a guide (you are invited to share additional information as well). You are invited to be creative in how you present your answers.       
1) Name(s), where you live, hobbies/activities, other info about your family                     
2) When did you start attending worship at Trinity?  And why did you keep coming?                    
3) Favorite experience at Trinity (be as specific as you can)                    
4) Favorite hymn and/or Bible verse/story and why it's your favorite                    
5) How have you experienced the presence of Christ in the congregation?                     
6) What one word comes to mind when you think of Trinity?

Please participate in this project.  I know we have some "shy" people who are uncomfortable with doing something like this - but think of it as a gift to others and the congregation as a whole.  I often wish I had videos or testimonies like these from folks in my life that I no longer see.  What a blessing and gift that would be!