We Are Trinity (Peter Donoghue) 4/24/2020
Danielle and I live at Abbey Woods in Danbury, Connecticut and were to be married at Trinity in April 2020. Due to the pandemic we have had to postpone our wedding date but are looking forward to celebrating our nuptials when the “all clear” sounds. My faith has given me the tools to navigate the ups and downs of life and not to become too discouraged when things don’t go my way. Psalm 46 gives me reassurance that God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble...here and now and for our future.
I was raised in NYC, in a large loving Catholic family of twelve children where our parents, Robert & Ann, instilled in us the tradition of attending Mass every Sunday. They laid a firm foundation of faith for us kids which has stood the test of time through all of our trials and tribulations. I have my daughters, Amanda & Erin living close by and Danielle’s daughter Vikki and son Gregory are also close, plus we have been blessed with five wonderful grandkids, with one on the way!
I had been “looking” and “praying” for a new church home in the Spring of 2016 when I signed up for a beginning Spanish class in an attempt to learn something new. At the class I met Charlie Germain & Lynn Byrnes, and they invited me to a Friday night pot luck supper at their church, Trinity Lutheran in Brewster, NY. I don’t know how successful we all were at learning Spanish, though I know Norma, our teacher, did her best; I was very pleased to find a warm and welcoming church family here at Trinity led by Pastor Jen and have been a faithful attendee at worship and many of the activities offered here these past four years. My favorite experience at Trinity is when Franklyn is playing the organ with all our voices joined in song, singing those beautiful “songs of praises.” I suppose that is why my favorite hymn is #618 Guide Me Ever, Great Redeemer; although I still have the much older “traditional” title firmly etched into my brain...Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah.
When asked to describe what Trinity means to me, in one short word or phrase, the one that I feel deep down inside is the title of an old favorite hymn by Fanny Crosby…”Blessed Assurance.”
I feel reassured knowing that all you folks at Trinity are there for me in prayer and practical support and feel the wonderful presence of God as we worship together and try daily to do the work God has given us to do.
I enjoy playing my trumpet, nature walks with Danielle, live concerts and plays, movies, books, mysteries, scientific conundrums, numbers, puzzles, kayaking, bike riding on the rail trails, and lots of good food like chocolate egg creams and chocolate eclairs.
What a blessing Peter Donoghue has been to our church. He has recently become our Chair of the Property Committee and is doing a fabulous job. We are so happy to have him in this position. Thanks Peter for all you do!