In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth
was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind
from God swept over the face of the waters. (Genesis 1:1-2)
“Water” is vital for life. We can’t live without it. It is
used in our daily lives for cleaning, drinking, bathing, washing and food
preparation. It is also used for transportation, cooling, agriculture,
recreation, food processing, and extinguishing fires, to name a few. It covers
71% of the Earth’s surface. We tend to take for granted that everyone has clean
water available but in 40% of the world, people still do not have safe drinking
The Bible and water are very much connected. Water is
referenced over 700 times in the scriptures. In biblical times, water was a
blessing, used for purification and cleansing as well as associated with chaos
and death. God saw the wickedness of humans with their evil thoughts and
violence. He was sorry he made humankind and decided to
wipe the earth clean. God asked Noah to build an ark. Once the ark was ready and loaded with Noah, his descendants,
and the chosen animals and birds, God flooded the earth of evil.
At the wedding at Cana water was used in the first miracle
of Jesus as he transformed water in wine to reveal his glory and his disciples
believed in Him.
(John 2:1-11)
Water was used when John baptized Jesus in the Jordan. As he came up from the water the
heavens were opened and a dove, the Spirit of God, descended on Him and a voice
from heaven said, “This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased”.
(Matthew 3:13-17)
Water is still used today in Baptism to symbolize our total
trust in and reliance on Jesus Christ.
We are baptized into His death on the cross and are no longer slaves to
sin. When we are raised out of the water we are raised to our new life in
Christ to be with Him forever. It is the first step on a life-long journey of
faith. We are reborn daily in Christ, forgiven our sins and shown God’s grace.
Shared by Joanne Icken
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