Sunday, August 27, 2017

2017 Summer devotions, week of August 27

August 27: Luther’s Catechism – Holy Communion

Share your highs and lows with each other, or write them here:

Read one or more of the following texts:
Luke 22:14-23
1 Corinthians 11:23-26

This meal is not one that we eat for our physical nourishment (what are those wafers really made out of?).  It is not going to calm any hunger pains that we have.  Yet, it is the most important meal of the week in our lives of faith.

In this simple meal of bread and wine, we taste the grace of Christ.  We are fed by the promise that God loves us always.  We are connected in community with all those at the same table as well as those who have gathered at other tables in other times and places.  This is a meal that offers us hope, peace and grace.

Questions for conversation or personal reflection:
1)      Share a favorite meal experience.
a.      What made it special or significant?
2)      What is the most meaningful experience you have had at Holy Communion?
3)      Think about inviting someone to eat with you that you’ve been meaning to invite for awhile (it can be at home or at a restaurant)
4)      How does the reading for today connect with your highs and lows?

Pray about your highs and lows, and any other needs you might have for today.  If you wish, write your prayers here:
My prayers

Offer a blessing. Use “May you be nourished by God’s love,” or make up your own as a reminder of God’s love in your life.  Make the sign of the cross on each other’s forehead as you do this.  If desired, use water to make the cross.

Bonus Activity:

Bake a loaf of bread today.  You can even use a baking mix if you like.  As you mix the ingredients, think about how many grains of wheat it took to make the flour you’re baking with.  It takes a lot of wheat to make a loaf of bread—just like it takes a lot of people to make a church!  

Sunday, August 20, 2017

2017 Summer Devotions, week of August 20

August 20: Luther’s Catechism – Holy Baptism     
Share your highs and lows with each other, or write them here:

Read the following texts:
Luke 3:21-22
Romans 6:1-4

Baptism is not simply plain water.  Instead it is water used according to God’s command and connected to God’s Word” (Luther’s explanation of Baptism)

It is plain water – and yet in it, we are reminded of the importance and our need for water every day.  In this, we are pointed to God – of God’s importance and our need for God every day.  It connects us to God as does the Word of God.   As we remember our baptisms, we remember that we are created in the image of God and of God’s faithfulness to us.

Questions for conversation or personal reflection:
1)      What was the last baptism that you witnessed?  What was it like?
2)      What are different ways that we use water every day?
a.      How does this connect to our lives of faith?
3)      How does the reading for today connect with your highs and lows?
Pray about your highs and lows, and any other needs you might have for today.  If you wish, write your prayers here:
My prayers

Offer a blessing. Use “May you walk wet in God’s grace,” or make up your own as a reminder of God’s love in your life.  Make the sign of the cross on each other’s forehead as you do this.  If desired, use water to make the cross.

Bonus Activity:
Keep track of each time you use or are near water this week.  In those moments, remind those around you (and yourself) that “you are baptized” and loved by God.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

2017 Summer Devotions, weeek of August 13

August 13: Luther’s Catechism – The Lord’s Prayer          

Share your highs and lows with each other, or write them here:

Read the following texts:
Luke 11:1-4
Colossians 1:3-14

The disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray and were given the gift of the Lord’s Prayer.  While there are a few variations depending on the church that you attend, this is one of the most familiar prayers (i.e. in place of “trespass”, some will use “debt” or “sin”; most Roman Catholic churches don’t include the final line).

Luther invites us to look at each part of the prayer to see what it is that we are really praying to God about.  In some ways, this prayer is its own kind of Creed as it tells us a lot about our relationship with God and what it means to live as God’s people.

Questions for conversation or personal reflection:
1)      What does this prayer tell us about God?
2)      How does it invite us to live?
3)      Share about an experience of prayer that was especially meaningful to you. 
4)      How does the reading for today connect with your highs and lows?

Pray about your highs and lows, and any other needs you might have for today.  If you wish, write your prayers here:
My prayers

Offer a blessing. Use “May God’s will be done in your life today,” or make up your own as a reminder of God’s love in your life.  Make the sign of the cross on each other’s forehead as you do this.  If desired, use water to make the cross.

Bonus Activity:

Look up different ways to pray and try them out (or see Pastor Jen for some ideas).   Here is one example: Take an item out of  your backpack, wallet, purse or pocket – how might that item become a prayer? 

Sunday, August 6, 2017

2017 Summer Devotions, week of August 6

August 6: Luther’s Catechism – Creeds      

Share your highs and lows with each other, or write them here:

Read one or more of the following texts:
 John 14:1-7
Genesis 1:1-5

There are 3 Creeds (statements of faith) that have been used by the Church over the years: Apostle’s Creed, Nicene Creed and the lesser known Athanasian Creed.  The Creeds were developed during the 4th century as a way to summarize and clarify what the Church believes about God.

They each talk about the essential character of God as revealed in the Trinity (see back to first week when we talked about the Trinity).   It reminds us of the One who created us in his image and forgives us through his enduring love and guides us in our daily lives.

Questions for conversation or personal reflection:
1)      Write your own Creed (statement of faith) about what you believe about God.  Share it with someone else.
2)      What do you think is the most important thing about God that others need to know?
3)      How does the reading for today connect with your highs and lows?

Pray about your highs and lows, and any other needs you might have for today.  If you wish, write your prayers here:
My prayers

Offer a blessing. Use “You are blessed in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit,” or make up your own as a reminder of God’s love in your life.  Make the sign of the cross on each other’s forehead as you do this.  If desired, use water to make the cross.

Bonus Activity:
Look up the Athanasian Creed (if  you have a copy of the green Lutheran Book of Worship, it is on page 54).   Try reading it out loud and see how long it takes you to read it.  Or look up the history of the Creeds online.