Sunday, August 20, 2017

2017 Summer Devotions, week of August 20

August 20: Luther’s Catechism – Holy Baptism     
Share your highs and lows with each other, or write them here:

Read the following texts:
Luke 3:21-22
Romans 6:1-4

Baptism is not simply plain water.  Instead it is water used according to God’s command and connected to God’s Word” (Luther’s explanation of Baptism)

It is plain water – and yet in it, we are reminded of the importance and our need for water every day.  In this, we are pointed to God – of God’s importance and our need for God every day.  It connects us to God as does the Word of God.   As we remember our baptisms, we remember that we are created in the image of God and of God’s faithfulness to us.

Questions for conversation or personal reflection:
1)      What was the last baptism that you witnessed?  What was it like?
2)      What are different ways that we use water every day?
a.      How does this connect to our lives of faith?
3)      How does the reading for today connect with your highs and lows?
Pray about your highs and lows, and any other needs you might have for today.  If you wish, write your prayers here:
My prayers

Offer a blessing. Use “May you walk wet in God’s grace,” or make up your own as a reminder of God’s love in your life.  Make the sign of the cross on each other’s forehead as you do this.  If desired, use water to make the cross.

Bonus Activity:
Keep track of each time you use or are near water this week.  In those moments, remind those around you (and yourself) that “you are baptized” and loved by God.

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