Sunday, August 6, 2017

2017 Summer Devotions, week of August 6

August 6: Luther’s Catechism – Creeds      

Share your highs and lows with each other, or write them here:

Read one or more of the following texts:
 John 14:1-7
Genesis 1:1-5

There are 3 Creeds (statements of faith) that have been used by the Church over the years: Apostle’s Creed, Nicene Creed and the lesser known Athanasian Creed.  The Creeds were developed during the 4th century as a way to summarize and clarify what the Church believes about God.

They each talk about the essential character of God as revealed in the Trinity (see back to first week when we talked about the Trinity).   It reminds us of the One who created us in his image and forgives us through his enduring love and guides us in our daily lives.

Questions for conversation or personal reflection:
1)      Write your own Creed (statement of faith) about what you believe about God.  Share it with someone else.
2)      What do you think is the most important thing about God that others need to know?
3)      How does the reading for today connect with your highs and lows?

Pray about your highs and lows, and any other needs you might have for today.  If you wish, write your prayers here:
My prayers

Offer a blessing. Use “You are blessed in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit,” or make up your own as a reminder of God’s love in your life.  Make the sign of the cross on each other’s forehead as you do this.  If desired, use water to make the cross.

Bonus Activity:
Look up the Athanasian Creed (if  you have a copy of the green Lutheran Book of Worship, it is on page 54).   Try reading it out loud and see how long it takes you to read it.  Or look up the history of the Creeds online.

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