"My cup overflows" (Psalm 23:5b)
In reflecting on today's word, how would you answer the following:
Do you live out of a sense of scarcity or abundance?
Do you feel like you have enough, not enough or more than enough?
Is that proverbial cup - half full or half empty?
Or is it overflowing?
We are "encouraged" by today's culture to view our lives from a sense of scarcity; that somehow if we had that "one thing more" that we would be happy, satisfied, fulfilled. Then there is always one more thing, one more goal to fulfill, one more ... (fill in your own response)
Yet, God has already provided all that we really need for life. In the beginning, as God created the heavens and the earth more than enough was provided for all.
Our cups overflow!
When there are those in the world who truly do not have enough food, clothing, shelter and the like is is because of the hoarding of the abundance by others (see parable from yesterday)
In what ways, is your cup overflowing with Christ's grace?
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