Monday, March 22, 2021

40 Words of Lent: Value (3/22/2021)


How do we determine the value of something?

Came across this story as an illustration: 

A father said to his daughter “You graduated with honors, here is a car I acquired many years ago. It is several years old. But before I give it to you, take it to the used car lot downtown and tell them I want to sell it and see how much they offer you. 

The daughter went to the used car lot, returned to her father and said, “They offered me $1,000 because it looks very worn out.” The father said, ”Take him to the pawnshop.” 

The daughter went to the pawnshop, returned to her father and said, ”The pawn shop offered $100 because it was a very old car.” The father asked his daughter to go to a car club and show them the car. 

The daughter took the car to the club, returned and told her father,” Some people in the club offered $100,000 for it since it’s an iconic car and sought out after by many.” 

The father said to his daughter, ”The right place values you the right way,” If you are not valued, do not be angry, it means you are in the wrong place. Those who know your value are those who appreciate you. Never stay in a place where no one sees your value.

Matthew 10:29-31: Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. And even the hairs of your head are all counted. So do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows.

The world will place a variety of values on the lives of others.  Our worth is often based on economics, appearance, prestige, success, and the like.  A person's value can waver from day to day.

Yet, we are created in the image of God and our God's beloved.  Our value has already been determined and proclaimed "very good".

As we look into the faces of others, do we value them as God values us?

When we look in the mirror, do we see the inexorable value that God created us to be?

When we proclaim that "God so loved the world that he sent his only Son" (John 3:16) that includes you, me and everyone!

Because as I will often say: "God don't make no junk!)"

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