Friday, December 3, 2021

Advent devotions: Peace (12/3/2021)


Friday December 3                               Peace                                 James 3:17-18

But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without a trace of partiality or hypocrisy. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace for those who make peace.


The night was quiet.  I sighed as I settled into my chair.  Quiet, but peaceful?  Did I feel at peace?  More than the absence of activity or conflict, peace eluded me.  Nothing was wrong per se, but was I peaceful?  What does that even mean?

“Wisdom from above is…peaceable” the author declares.  Am I not wise enough to find peace?  My thoughts too muddled and filled?  If I try to rely purely on myself to achieve some semblance of peace, I find myself sorely lacking.

Wisdom comes when we see our own limitations and see that peace that surpasses all understanding comes from Christ.  Peace is more than quietness or a lack of conflict.  Peace – particularly in the biblical sense – is about wholeness (Hebrew: shalom).  It is seeing and experiencing the fullness of life that God intends for each one of us as well as the whole of creation.

This first week of Advent, we focus on “peace” and we find that we cannot conjure it on our own.  Peace is that which God created as his Spirit brought life from the chaos.  God breathed peace into our lungs, filling us with that sense of purpose and meaning, of completeness.

Wisdom invites us back to that peace, back to the moment of creation when God’s Spirit breathed peace upon the world.  

Pray: Take a moment, pausing to take a deep breath in, reflecting on the words “the peace of the Lord be with you always”.  Breathe in those words; be filled with God’s breath that brings peace, that brings wholeness.  And as you release your breath – “and also with you” – release that peace back out into the world, praying that the peace of Christ may again dwell within all people.   Repeat now…and later… and whenever you wisely seek a true sense of peace for yourself and the world.

Pastor Jen Boyd

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