Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Lenten resources

Lenten Resources (2018)

Lent is a season when many people make a special focus on enhancing their ever-growing and loving relationship with God.  You may do this through prayer, worship, reading the Bible, helping others, or something else. Anything that connects you to God is a great practice. Even walking the dog, seeing the beauty of God’s creation, or hearing chirping birds can be a way to commune with God.

“Lent in a bag” is a resource to help you make new connections with God.
• Choose one night of the week and invite those around your table to pick one of the symbols as a starting point for conversation for the whole group, including children.
• For your own devotion, daily or weekly, choose one of the symbols for reflection as you make your way through the season of Lent.

Also included are the daily readings throughout the season of Lent.  You are invited to “pray the scriptures”, using this format:
1)   Read the scripture (out loud is preferable)
2)  What word or phrase caught you attention
3)  Read it again (try another translation – you can find multiple translations at: https://www.biblegateway.com/ )
4)  Was there a different word/phrase or the same one?
5)  What might God be saying to you and your life in that phrase?
6)  Pray to God about what you heard.
Finally, there are additional online resources that are listed at the end of this booklet for you to use.


Lent in a Bag

Between his baptism and the beginning of his adult ministry, Jesus went into the wilderness for 40 days ‘to be tested’. The desert is a dangerous place and Jesus was hungry, cold, and tired. He was also tempted and tormented, but he didn’t give up. When things get tough, how do we remember God is there for us? What constitutes wilderness in your life? What have you learned there? What might you learn there?
Read the story of Jesus wandering in the desert, then open the sand and touch it. (Matthew 4, Mark 1, or Luke 4.)

While in the wilderness, Jesus was tempted by the devil to transform stone into bread. He knew he was not called to do this by God. He didn’t change the rock into food. Later, Jesus became known for doing amazing things. He fed the hungry, offered encouragement, and healed people. When you are angry or sad, it may feel like your heart has become a rock. How does that feel? How can you help someone who has a “rock” in their heart? How does it feel to help others? Think about a time where you helped someone.
Read the story of Zacchaeus. (Luke 19) Jesus transforms Zacchaeus. Jesus transforms us and helps us make better choices. Is there a place in your life where you could make better choices, with Jesus’ help?


Human figure
Because Jesus was fully human, he gets us, understands us from inside our skin, and knows from experience that we’re each capable of great things, Godly things. No matter what we do, he keeps on inviting us to join us in his work which has become our own. Jesus knows that we can do good things on earth, just like he did. In Lent, we are counting down 40 days until Easter. What can you do to be more like Jesus at home? At school? Everywhere?
Read the story of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet. (John 13) How can we live like Jesus?

Winter can be cold and dark. Spring is a time where we think of sunshine and flowers blooming. Jesus is called the Light of the World. Jesus told his disciples to be a light in the world too and make a difference. So where do you shine? What do you think you are good at? What is your talent? How can you encourage someone to see the good in themselves?
Read Matthew 5:14-16 and sing the song This Little Light of Mine. How do you let your light shine?

Historically, the season of Lent was when new Christians were prepared for baptism. Jesus began his ministry after his baptism. As someone who has been (or will be baptized) what is your ministry? How are you living out the promises made in the Baptismal Covenant? Read through the Baptismal Covenant on page 304-305 of the Book of Common Prayer.
Read the story of Jesus’ baptism (Matthew 3, Mark 1, or Luke 3) and look at photos of baptisms of family members.
 Watching the growth of flower seeds reminds us of the miracle of hope and transformation that is coming in the promise of Easter. The seeds change; they decay as they transform into a new life – a new life that we can’t really imagine when we plant it. Where is there hope in your life? Where is there mystery? What transformation do you hope for during the season of Lent?
Read the Parable of the Mustard Seed (Matthew 13:31-32 or Luke 13:18-19) and the Parable of the Leavened Bread (Matthew 13:33 or Luke 13:20-21) and talk about change. What things can you think of that change?
Modified from the idea of Shawn Schreiner and Vicki Garvey.

Devotional resources
Way to Lead: Committing to live in relationship with God
This resource offers a short service that you can use at home as well as coloring pages to draw you closer in relationship and understanding with God.  A few hard copies are available to pick up.

40acts: every day during lent (except Sundays), wake up to a new generosity challenge and short Bible-based blog straight to you inbox.  Each act is designed to sharpen your awareness and give you practical ways to stretch your faith as well as your generosity.

Keep Watch With Me:  is an online discussion community for a collaborative daily Lenten reader written by peacemakers for peacemakers. Our contributors are an incredible line-up of folks from around the world: black, white, LGBTQ, Latinx, Palestinian, incarcerated, Native American, Australian, Americans, Irish, South African, clergy, laity, activists, authors, organizers, and more.
Each day of Lent, they’ll share the daily spiritual practice and a question or two for reflection and dialogue.  You may sign up to receive it in your email and/or go to their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/KeepingWatchTogether/

Daily readings for Lent
Feb. 14-17
Wednesday John 10:1-18 The Good Shepherd
Thursday Luke 15:1-7 Lost Sheep Parable
Friday John 10:22-30 Conflict over Jesus’s Claims
Saturday John 10:31-42 Jews Try to Stone Jesus

Sunday John 11:1-44 Following Jesus from Death to Life
Monday John 11:45-57 Concern About Jesus’ Actions
Tuesday John 12:1-11 Jesus Anointed at Bethany
Wednesday John 12:12-29 Jesus Enters Jerusalem
Thursday John 12:20-36 Jesus Foretells His Death and Resurrection
Friday John 12:37-50 Walk in the Light
Saturday Isaiah 6:1-10 Isaiah’s Prophecy About the People
Feb.25-March 3
Sunday John 13:1-17 Following the Servant
Monday John 13:21-30 Jesus’ Betrayal Foretold
Tuesday John 13:31-38 Jesus Will Be Glorified
Wednesday John 14:1-7 “Do Not Let Your Hearts Be Troubled”
Thursday John 15:1-7 “I Am the True Vine”
Friday John 17:1-5 “The Hour Has Come”
Saturday John 18:1-11 Jesus Arrested

March 4-10
Sunday John 18:12-27 Challenges of Following: Peter’s Denial
Monday Psalm 27:1-14 My Enemies Will Stumble and Fall
Tuesday Isaiah 45:14-19 God Does Not Speak in Secret
Wednesday John 14:9b-12 Jesus Going to the Father
Thursday John 14:13-17 Jesus Will Send the Spirit of Truth
Friday John 14:18-21 Jesus Will not Leave the Disciples Orphans
Saturday John 14:23b-29 My Peace I Will Leave with You

March 11-17
Sunday John 18:28-40 A Kingdom Not of This World
Monday John 15:8-11 You Will Bear Much Fruit
Tuesday John 15:12-17 I Call You Friend
Wednesday John 15:18-21 The World Hates the Disciples
Thursday John 15:22-27 Sins of the People
Friday John 16-1-4a Stay Strong
Saturday John 16:4b-7 Jesus Will Send the Advocate

March 18-24
Sunday John 19:1-16a The Kingdom’s Power from Above
Monday John 16:8-12 Truth Will Come Forward
Tuesday John 16:13-16 The Spirit Is Coming
Wednesday John 16:17-22 The Disciples Do Not Understand
Thursday John 16:23-28 Ask and You Shall Receive
Friday John 16:29-33 Jesus Has Conquered the World
Saturday John 17:6-9 Jesus Prays for His Disciples

March 25-April 1
Sunday John 19:16b-22 [12:12-27] A Different Kind of King
Monday John 17:10-13 Father Protect Them
Tuesday John 17:14-19 They Do Not Belong to the World
Wednesday Psalm 22:1-5 Why Have You Forsaken Me?
Thursday John 19:23-30 God’s Kingdom Revealed on the Cross
Friday John 19:31-42 Preparing the King for Burial
Saturday Psalm 22:6-11 Hated by the People
Sunday John 20:1-18 Good News in the Garden