Tuesday, March 30, 2021

40 words of Lent: Pray (3/30/2021)


Jesus was praying in a certain place, and after he had finished, one of his disciples said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples. (Luke 11:1)

Video reflection: https://youtu.be/OibbqfNWvXo (was cut short - so here is the rest of my reflection)

There are many ways, techniques and resources to help us to learn how to pray.  We can read books, take classes  or seminars.  The variety of resources  help us to expand and enhance our prayer life.

Yet, at its core - prayer is about a conversation between us - individually and corporately - and God.  It is the sharing of our life with the One in whose image we are created.  It is offering our laments to the One who hung on the cross.  It is inviting the One who sustains us to walk with us in our daily  lives.

It is more than saying particular words or prayers (though they can be helpful - a few examples below).  It is also listening and resting in God's presence.  It is paying attention to what God has to say to us through scripture, music, conversation with others and the like.  God speaks as much as God listens.

So before you begin any prayer....pause...take a breath...or two...open yourself up to the loving presence of God before you even say or think a word.

Listen, God is talking

              and that very Spirit intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words (Romans 8:26)

Here are a few prayers for this day: 

Prayer for Overcoming Indifference

For the sin of silence,
For the sin of indifference,
For the secret complicity of the neutral,
For the closing of borders,
For the washing of hands,
For the crime of indifference,
For the sin of silence,
For the closing of borders.
For all that was done,
For all that was not done,
Let there be no forgetfulness before the Throne of
Let there be remembrance within the human heart;
And let there at last be forgiveness
When your children, O God,
Are free and at peace.

From Chaim Stern, editor, Gates of Repentance (Central Conference of American Rabbis, 1978).

For all those who are confronted by seeming boundaries, limitations, and impossibilities, this is a psalm reminding us of who God is—in God’s wholly otherness and God’s holy withness. 

Creator, Hoverer 
You speak and we form 
You breathe life and we awake 
You said “it is good” and we believe 
The Red Sea before us, shouting impossibility 
They say we can’t, we shouldn’t, and we wouldn’t 
Words seeded from our youth, the limits and the lies 
There must be truer truths in us to confound, resist, defy 
Created from nothing, said something, made everything 
This God 
The Lord will fight for us, so we need only to be still 
Still our soul, stand out loud, trusting that God is 
El Roi, God who sees, bears witness to a name 
At her sound, ___ leaps, demands possibility 
Immanuel, God with us, for us, within us 
You said “it is good” and we believe 
You breathe life and we awake 
You speak and we form 
Creator, Hoverer 

(REV. GAIL SONG BANTUM, A Rhythm of Prayer (pp. 12-13). The Crown Publishing Group)  

For God’s Unfailing Grace 
God, we give you thanks for the grace 
that lies at the heart of our faith. 
Even as we fall short in our response 
to your love and your call, your grace still abounds. 
We see your grace in the sunlight that warms the earth 
and in the stars that light the sky. 
We see it in the manger at Bethlehem 
and the cross of Calvary. 
In your grace we find peace and healing for troubled lives. 
In your grace we see promise for justice and mercy in a troubled world. 
As you envelop us, enliven us, and embrace us, 
we celebrate you as the God of grace. Amen.

(Prayers for Life's Ordinary and Extraordinary Moments . Upper Room)

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