Monday, March 31, 2014

Easter devotions: April 20, 2014

April 20, 2014                         Acts 10:34-43
Resurrection of Our Lord          or Jeremiah 31:1-6
Easter Day                               Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
                                                Colossians 3:1-4
  or Acts 10:34-43
                                                Matthew 28:1-10
  or John 20:1-18
Christ is Risen Indeed!

Though I am writing this as there is still much snow on the ground, I am hopeful for spring.  Though the official date of spring has past and we are not sure of the exact day when spring will finally show herself, I am hopeful that she will indeed appear.  I base this hope on past experiences and the promise of the barren trees.

Spring is that visual sign of the resurrection for us.  We tell the story of the empty tomb each year.  We hear the doubts and exclamations of Mary, Peter and Thomas.  We look towards the promise of the resurrection on the dead as we proclaim in our creeds.  We know the words, we share the story, but we experience its reality each spring.

The resurrection is a promise.  Not just for tomorrow or on the last day, but is it a promise as each new day dawns.  In proclaiming our belief in the resurrection of the dead, we are pointing not just to the gravestones, but to those places, situations and relationships that are broken, that may seem dead or hopeless. We look at life with hope and promise because of Christ’s resurrection.  In the face of the impossible, we see that in God’s hand, through Christ’s death and resurrection, all is truly possible.

We are assured of this because of the witness of those who first proclaimed it from the empty tomb.  We trust in this promise because we have seen and experienced the power of the resurrection in our world today – from the spring time flowers, the transformed life of Nelson Mandala (prisoner to president), from the death of a loved one that enables another to live through organ donation, from an estranged child and parent, reunited.  These are the signs of the resurrection today – that Christ continues to resurrect the world.  This is not just a past event or a promised future, but the present hope and reality of Christ.

Prayer: With our whole body and soul, we pray that we may reflect Christ’s resurrection power that is at work around us.  Lord, in your mercy; hear our prayer.  Amen.

Pastor Jennifer Boyd

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