Monday, March 31, 2014

Lenten devotions: April 15, 2014

April 15, 2014                         Isaiah 49:1-7
Tuesday in Holy Week             Psalm 71:1-14
                                                1 Corinthians 1:18-31
                                                John 12:20-36

The lessons from 1st Corinthians and John struck a very strong chord with me.  1st Corinthians discusses the wisdom of man versus the wisdom of God, and states that no man, regardless of how wise they are, can begin to understand God’s wisdom.  John’s lesson ends with that fact that if you do not walk in God’s light, you will be walking in darkness without knowing where you are headed.

In 2001, within a little over a month’s time, I lost two members of my family.  Both of these losses occurred through terrible circumstances.  For many years, I tried to understand God’s reasons and wisdom behind the loss of my family members.  At one point, I even fell away from God because I could not understand why he let these things occur.  However, over time I began to realize, as John says, that I was walking in darkness, not knowing where I was going.  I came to understand that I will never understand God’s reasons, and that I would be lost in the darkness if I continued down the path I was on.  I realized that I must always walk in God’s light, no matter what the circumstances are.

God – Please give me the strength to accept what I cannot understand and allow me to always walk in your light regardless of the circumstances.

Arnold Schuff

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