Monday, March 31, 2014

Lenten devotions: April 11, 2014

April 11, 2014                         Psalm 31:9-16
Friday                                      Job 13:13-19
                                                Philippians 1:21-30
“Only, live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ” (Philippians 1:27a)

I remember a time when we had to dress up before we flew on a plane to my grandparents in Texas.  I never quite understood it as a child – since we were just going to be sitting there for a few hours and as soon as we got to Austin, we would be putting on our play clothes.  Yet, that is what people did then.  The same could be said – or even more so – when people attended worship at church.  Many would never think of wearing jeans or sneakers or to go without gloves or a tie.  This is what was expected; this was considered living our lives in a certain way and manner that was worthy of attending church.

I am certainly glad that this has changed – I can’t imagine having to be dressed up to fly, especially as there is less and less comfortable space.   And it seems that for awhile church attire became far more important in some congregations than faith itself.

Living our life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ is not about outward appearances.  We do not live our lives in this manner to prove anything to ourselves, others or certainly not to God.  It is not so much about fulfilling expectations, but rather it is about the Gospel of Christ – Christ himself.

Christ came in love, welcoming all.  Christ came offering grace and forgiveness because of this love.  Christ came to lift up hope in the face of the impossible.  Christ came and transformed that which was dead into something wholly – and holy – new.  This is the Gospel of Christ.

We are called to live in love, offering grace, lifting up hope and seeking to offer the transformation of Christ to the world.  This is living our lives in a manner that is worthy of the gospel of Christ.

Prayer: Christ of grace, as we continue through this journey of Lent keep us steadfast in your gospel of grace.  Help us to embrace the gospel not just for our own lives, but to share it with all whom we encounter this day.  We offer up this prayer in the name of Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Pastor Jennifer Boyd

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