April 18, 2014 Isaiah 52:13—53:12
Friday Psalm
Hebrews 10:16-25
Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9
John 18:1—19:42
A day
of sadness when Jesus was crucified but not for us who know the outcome is the beginning
of our forgiveness. He died for our sins and He was resurrected on Easter.
What a glorious thought! We remember this day with solemn events
but look forward to a future with God. I can remember as a child not
being able to do anything that would be considered "fun" on Good
Friday. We went to church in the evening but had to be quiet from noon to
three in observance of the hours of crucifixion. A powerful remembrance
of this day was attending the Passion Play in Oberammagau, Germany in
2000. This play, performed every ten years, tells the entire passion
story in words and music. All the actors are members of the town and when
Jesus is nailed to the cross you can feel the agony in the audience. How
this is done is a mystery but I remember it sure felt real; It was a
moving experience and one that I relive many times in my mind. Just think,
Jesus did this all for me - what a love.
Father we give You thanks for the sacrifice of Your Son on this day thousands of years ago. We ask that You help us to always remember the true meaning of love and forgiveness that has been given to us especially on this very holy day. This we ask in Jesus' name. Amen.
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