Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Advent Devotions: Joy (12/14/2021)

 Tuesday December 14                          Joy                                Psalm 51:10-12

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.

Do not cast me away from your presence, and do not take your holy spirit from me.

Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and sustain in me a willing spirit.


In 2 Samuel Chapter 12, King David is confronted by Nathan, the prophet, about David’s guilt in having an adulterous relationship with Bathsheba and in having her husband Uriah killed in battle. Here in Psalm 51 David has acknowledged and repented of his sin and seeks forgiveness from God.

In our everyday lives I’m sure most of us have a handful of people who are very generous at pointing out our shortcomings and giving us advice on how we can live life better. I truly am thankful for those times when they have kept me from making a massive mistake that could not be undone! I think we all can agree that most of our shortcomings (and sin) are very well known to us, stored neatly inside our brain.

Fortunately, between the Law given in the Old Testament with the Ten Commandments, and the Holy Spirit given us in the New Testament, we can be fairly sure in distinguishing right from wrong. We can strive to do the best we can each day in the work we are given to do; but we know from experience that we often fall short as sin is a very real part of our human nature. I take great comfort in the hymn “Jesus Paid it All.”

Jesus, through his life, death and resurrection covered all our sins and reconciled us to God; for today, every day and for all eternity.

I pray this day that we are renewed with a pure and joyful heart and are abundantly blest as we follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit in living well the life that God has given us.

Peter Donoghue

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