Sunday, December 20, 2015

2015 Advent Devotions (12/20/15)

12/20/2015 Sunday
Luke 1:5-13, 57-80      Zechariah’s Song
Zechariah and Sarah were faithful to God. Both of them came from priestly families, those who were appointed to enter the holiest part of the temple to offer prayers and sacrifice on behalf of all the people. I imagine that over the years, Zechariah prayed for many things, both for the people and quite possibly for himself. He and his wife lived righteously and yet, they had never been blessed with the gift of children. This would have been a significant stigma in his day. Now an angel has appeared to him and told him that his wife will indeed bear him a son, and many will rejoice at his birth. This is great news! But if we read beyond verse 13, something interesting happens between the Gabriel’s announcement and Zechariah’s beautiful song of praise. What makes Zechariah’s song even more amazing to those who heard it is that it followed after he had been struck mute from before the time of Sarah’s pregnancy until the day that the baby was to be named. His tongue was silenced because at the moment that the angel delivered the news that Zechariah’s prayer would be answered, Zechariah doubted. He asked “how can this be so?” Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth! This story, with all its parts speaks to us of the balance between our faith and our doubt. How difficult it can be sometimes to imagine that through God something can happen that we ourselves believe is impossible. As we prepare for the amazing birth of Jesus, may our hearts be open to the possibilities with God that are beyond our own imaginations.
Lord, your ways are often a mystery to us. As we approach the celebration of Jesus birth, help us to resist the temptation to limit the possibilities that are in you because of our own limits. Open our eyes and our hearts to move in the world ready to be surprised by your presence among us. Amen.

Dawn Morello

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