Wednesday, December 9, 2015

2015 Advent Devotions (12/9/15)

12/9/2015 Wednesday
Philippians 4:4-6 (NT)      Rejoice! Give Thanks!
To a musician, the first line of our reading rings forth the sweet assurances of Henry Purcell’s so-called “Bell Anthem.” It begins with the descending peal of a clock tower that reminds us that in this Advent season the bells ring out the message of Christ’s coming and His redeeming love for all of the creation. Paul tells us to “rejoice always” and this recalls to mind that he also tells us to “pray without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5) and also to rejoice. Sometimes it seems easier to pray without ceasing than to rejoice always. This means rejoice not only in uplifting times redolent with love and peace but also in times of trouble and trial. But we are admonished to rejoice in our adversity because we have the fast assurance that the Lord is with us at these times as well, holding us up, bolstering our faith, providing the solid rock to which we cling. Rejoice when storm clouds gather. Hold fast to the rock of our salvation. The Lord is at hand, and never more encouragingly as when we meditate on His advent. The King is coming! Our sure foundation is born as one of us, among us, leading us by a star to the place where He abides. Perhaps the Magi sang as they followed that star, rejoicing all the rugged way.

Franklyn Commisso

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