Thursday, March 20, 2014

Lenten Devotions: March 30, 2014

March 30, 2014                      John 18:28-40
Fourth Sunday in Lent             Psalm 145:10-13

Is this all there is?  When Jesus is brought before Pilate, he is asked if he is a king.  At first Jesus sidesteps the question but shortly after does acknowledge that he has a kingdom.  His kingdom is not of this world.  I wonder what Pilate thought about that? After all, he was not a Jew waiting for the messiah and the coming of God's kingdom.  He was part of the mighty Roman Empire, the rulers and controllers of the world as far as he could see.  What he couldn't see was how all things of this world will pass.  Those in control today will be fallen tomorrow, situations that appear permanent and unchangeable are constantly being reformed.  The only constant is God's love and faithfulness to us.  David reminds us of this in the Psalm.  He talks about how much God loves his creation and never fails in his promises to us.  We are reminded how much bigger than everything God's love and faithfulness are.  We simply have to trust in him and look to the promise of eternal life to keep our perspective.

Lord, we love the world you have made and the many blessings you bestow on us.  Send us understanding and vision so that we can resist our tendency to see earthly things as most important to us, striving always to allow your love and faithfulness to guide our journey.  Amen.

Dawn Morello

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